Who I Am

In today’s world a strong yoga bio is everything” she heard. Do I convince you I am qualified, list my accomplishments, tell you I did uddiyana bandha as a kid? Who am I. Isn’t that the primordial question we all have been asking ourselves for eons on some level. Saints, Mystics, Scholars, Seers, Sages, Poets and Philosophers all have encouraged us to ask such an intimate question. Even the great kids classic, Alice in Wonderland, the transformative caterpillar asks Alice “Who are you? which leads her on a surreal journey.  May we all find what we are looking for.  

I am a dreamer. I am a lover of nature, culture, mystic traditions, and mythology. I am a lover of Yoga. Working in the direction of being a yogi…. I love the simple things in life and dark chocolate.  In her former incarnation, she was a professional photographer for 10 yrs before her first 200hr Hatha YTT in 2010, at the Temple of Kriya Yoga, Chicago. Continuing studies in India; 500hr yoga training, bounced around several ashrams, Vipassana, spending several years in India.  Certified in Thai Massage from Sunshine Massage School in Chiang Mai, and 2nd degree Reiki healing from Usui lineage.  Dabbles in ayurveda, western herbalism, plant spirits, aromatherapy, acro yoga, astrology and other healing modalities.  

Everyone is my Guru and no one is my Guru.  Inspired by T. Krishnamacharya, Sivananda, mainly but not excluding anyone. These days I spend the season in Goa, India teaching yoga. Summer in Chicago.  I am also in the process of a Seminary program from the Temple of Kriya Yoga, that will take me some years to complete, furthering my sadhana.

I want to teach yoga in whatever way you’d like to receive and digest it. I aim to be a simple yogi sharing whatever I have gained from experience and/or studies. I want to be happy, be present, and have you leaving any class feeling better than when you walked in.   I want any training or workshop I give to inspire you, gain wisdom and a deeper understanding of whatever I’m presenting. In a world that thrives on boasting, validation, and narcissism this cat seeks balance and would love to inspire you for the same.


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